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drukujLiability disclaimer

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The only valid and reliable source of information about Our Companies are current and periodic reports provided to the public by Polish Securities and Exchange Commission’s ESPI system.

We cannot neither accept responsibility, nor give any guarantee, for the actuality, accuracy and completeness of data and information available on this website.

This website and the information it contains is designed in a convenient and comfortable manner to help you to familiarize yourself with Our Companies. The information as well as its form has been complied with the greatest care in order to provide you with the most satisfactory and current data.

Available e-mail address enables you to obtain detailed information on each of Our Companies. We make every effort to address every e-mail query within 24 hours. However, if you need immediate assistance, please call directly Investor Relations Assistant. We sincerely apologise for any delays of the e-mail queries response.

© COPYRIGHT 2018 Gränges Konin S.A.

NIP 525-00-03-551, Numer KRS 0000003679 Sąd Rejonowy dla M.St. Warszawy,
XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS. Wysokość kapitału zakładowego 160 000 tys. PLN
Realizations: WR Consulting